22 March 2025
22 March 2025
Hanging Rock, Woodend
8:15 AM
Standard pricing ends at 11:59PM on 20 February 2025.
Must be at least 16 years old on race day.
$95/ Adult
$95 / under 18
$105/ Adult
$105 / under 18
$116/ Adult
$116 / under 18
FAMILY DISCOUNT (3+ Family Members)
10% OFF
Discount will automatically be applied at checkoutwhen 3 or more people are registered and paid for in the same transaction.
7:00 am
Race bib collection & event village opens
9:25 am
13.5K starts
8:15 am
22K run starts
10:00 am
5K run starts
8:45 am
2K Kids run starts
12:00 pm
Event concludes
7:45 am
Event Village opens - food & coffee
Entertainment starts
5km starts
All runners off the road
5k start closes
Entertainment concludes
6:15 am
Bus departs Richmond station
9:25 am
13.5k starts
7:00 am
Race pack collection & event village opens
9:40 am
Live music commences
8:15 am
22k run starts
10:15 am
5k run starts
9:10 am
2k kids run starts
12:00 pm
Event concludes
7:00 am
Race pack collection & event village opens
8:15 am
22K run starts
8:45 am
2K Kids run starts
9:25 am
13.5K starts
10:00 am
5K run starts
12:00 pm
Event concludes
Test yourself along the hilly 22K course.
Course subject to change.
This year we've partnered with Macedon Ranges Shire Council for a guided hike to the summit of Hanging Rock. This Park Ranger-guided hike is a great way to extend your Run the Rock experience.
The scene is set by giving you an insight into the site’s cultural and environmental significance, history and geology, but it’s not until we get you in amongst the rocks, weaving your way through to the stunning vistas at the summit, that you’ll start to understand why ‘The Rock’ has been drawing people from near and far for generations.
This 75 minute experience of the Hanging Rock Summit Walking Trail is a moderate, relatively short, 1.8km, Grade 3 hike. It has some short steep sections, steps and is mainly a formed hardened surface, with some sections of rough and loose terrain. Children under the age of 5 are not allowed.
Limited spots are available, so get in quick!
$20 per person.
100% of this contribution is allocated to the care of Hanging Rock, including activities such as conservation, revegetation and ongoing maintenance of the reserve.
11:00am from the Hanging Rock ‘Meeting Point’ near Hanging Rock Café.
Age limits
Participants must be 16 years + on race day to enter.
Start line
Straws Lane
Start time: 8:15am
Start line closes: 8:30am
There is approximately 350m of elevation on the 22km course.
Finish line closes
All participants must reach the 19km mark by 11.30am.
Drink & Toilet stations
Located approximately every 3km on the course.
Water is available at 4km, 8km, 12km, 16km. and 18km.
Gatorade available at 8km and 16km.
There is a portable toilet located on course located approximately at the 9km and 18km mark. Toilets are located in a number of locations within the event. village.
Event Guide
Will be available to download closer to the event.
Will I get a medal for participating in the event?
Yes all participants in the 22K will receive an event medal at the completion of the event. You can order a MiTime in the entry process if you would like it engraved with your finish time. (You will receive this approx 2 weeks after the event).
Will there be an awards ceremony at the end of the event and how will the top 3 place getters be awarded?
Yes, placegetters will be awarded based on gun time rather than the adjusted time for each run (net time). If you think you will be in the top 10 of your gender then please position yourself at the front of the first wave. Medals will be presented to the top 3 male and female, of each distance approx 30mins post-race.
Bus transfer from Richmond Station
Take the hard work out of getting there and let us do the driving for you. We are offering a return bus to the event from Richmond Station for $44.50 and a one way bus for $28.
The bus will leave Richmond Station at 6.15am getting you to the Event Village at around 7:30am and will leave at the end of the event between 12:15pm returning to Richmond Station around 2pm.